The Kang Family - Comox Valley Photographer
Last weekend I had the privilege of photographing the Kang family out at Kye Bay in Comox. It was bittersweet though, as they are moving to Calgary later this summer.
Dan has been our pastor at Living Hope Church in Courtenay since we arrived 4 years ago. We appreciate him and his wonderful wife Sara-Lynn very much. And their boys and dog are pretty awesome as well!
It was a beautiful Vancouver Island evening on Saturday, and even though I didn't get the low tide I was hoping for, the mountains showed up in all their glory.
Can you believe they're twins?!
Natural smiles from preschool boys isn't a given, but I did manage to get a few great ones! I think we were talking about farts at the time.
Little boys and dogs don't stay still for long, so very soon they were on the move. I knew I wanted a shot Kaya chasing a ball with the family behind, but she doesn't like to run in a straight line! I think the boys probably wondered why I kept getting them to walk up and down the beach.
I always like to get the "jumping off the log" shot!
And one of the happy couple.
And of course, the dog.
All the best to you, Kang family, as you head off to new adventures in Alberta! We'll miss you!
Otto - Courtenay Pet Photography
I got a call before Christmas from Bob, who asked to have a portrait made of his wife's dog Otto. He wanted to give it to her as a Christmas gift. I said sure, of course, and he brought Otto over that day for his portrait.
Otto was an older dog, a spaniel mix, who still had the sweetness of a puppy. He did a great job at this photo shoot, giving me a mix of those soulful spaniel eyes as well as some fun, happy looks.
Bob and his wife Margaret came the following week to pick out their portrait, and it was nice to get to know them a little and hear about their life with Otto.
Sadly, I got an email this week from Margaret that Otto had unexpectedly passed away on Christmas morning. Having just grieved the death of my own dog I was so sad to get the news. It is always so hard to lose a friend.
Life is precious, folks. Enjoy your pets for this short time that you have them. You were a good boy, Otto.
Lara and her dogs - Courtenay photographer
Just before the holidays I got the chance to photograph Lara and her 3 lovable dogs. We chose a "woodsy" location down near the Puntledge River to match the west-coast style of her home.
Chai, Diesel and Jack were all very cooperative and listened to Lara intently. It is clear that they have a special bond.
With my software I am able to take your room photo or a stock photo and create examples of how your artwork will look on your walls. Lara chose 3 16x20s in 20x24 mats.
Hope you had a very merry Christmas and all the best in 2018!
Urban Look, Rural Setting - Courtenay Photographer
I love finding new locations! I have been wanting to shoot at Headquarters Townsite Park ever since the fall, but alas, the rain, snow and lousy weather kept me away. Now the sun is starting to shine a little more regularly so I rounded up three beautiful young women and headed out there for a photo shoot.
The graffiti provides a totally interesting and colourful background to shoot against. First we did some "modelly" shots and then finished with some fun ones.
You can't do a friends photo shoot without some fun and crazy antics!
There's the Charlie's Angels:
The Ninjas:
And the Jump Shot!:
Thank you Noa, Makayla, and Jess for being good sports! I hope to do another photo shoot here soon...the options are endless.
Here's to many more sunny days to come!